Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A&P and The Itroduction to Simone De Beavoir


3 girls walk into a grocery store wearing only swimsuits not even shoes. They catch the cashier boy's attention. He watches their every move and assumes the way he thinks they are. As they are checking out at the register the manager tells them they can't come back to the store wearing "beach" outfits, which really embarrased the girls. To rebel against the manager and impress the girls the cashier boy, Sammy quits his job.

This essay really confussed me and I didnt really see the point to it. I would like it if someone could help me eunderstand its meaning.

Simone De Beavoir

Simone De Beavoir was a WWII intelectual and philosoper. She was married to another philosopher who viewed her as an intellectual equal.She taught, wrote novels, memoirs and essays. Feminists admire her now and look at her work. She explored womens relationship in relation to men. She believed women are incomprehensible to women and therefore women shape themselves to make them understand them and that makes women subordinate.

I think she makes people sound subordinate. It is as if she thinks shes better than women. Many philosophers did ay she separated herself from women into her own category and I agree. She seems bitter with women like she doesnt like us and thinks we are weak. Maybe we arent all like that she just makes assumptions. I dont like the way she thinks she makes women look stupid.

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