Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Graduation & White Privilege


Graduation at first I thought was going to be just like friday morning. However, when the girl wakes up that morning and says I thanked God he let me be alive this day because I thought something really terrible was goingto happen to me and I wouldnt live to see this day, I thought hey maybe after all this girl will get to enjoy her graduation and it will be a happy story. Once again I didnt analyze early enough and then BOOM the white guy comes out and gives his speech and my jaw dropped. First of all why did the preacher or the school ask that guy to talk at their graduation. Honestly who would do that. Who would ask a powerful white male to come and say something inspiring to a group of african american kids back in those days. I think they should have gotten someone who was also african american and was successful and could inspire them to reach guy just like him or her. But then again this isnt my story and I cant tell themto chang it to make it more credible or please me, because now that I think about it the author wasnt trying to please the viewer she was trying to make me angry so I would have that reaction and inspire me to change society.Ok on to the next....

White Privilege

This was a bit confussing. Too wordy? I dont know I mean its all personal opinion. I doubt white people sit there and think about their race or their ethnicity and how they feel about it. Ok wait I think I just proved the point of chapter 2. Ok I agree now its true they probably dont. Well Im hispanic and I do think a lot abot my ethnicity, my culture is so different from the american culture and I am very aware and embrace it. However I dont think that I really understand the differences between ethnicity and race even after reading this. Chapter 3 was a bit confussing. However I do think that if there was no more than one race(technically just the human race) there would not be comparisons and such like the author says, "whiteness is meaningless in the absence of blackness."

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A&P and The Itroduction to Simone De Beavoir


3 girls walk into a grocery store wearing only swimsuits not even shoes. They catch the cashier boy's attention. He watches their every move and assumes the way he thinks they are. As they are checking out at the register the manager tells them they can't come back to the store wearing "beach" outfits, which really embarrased the girls. To rebel against the manager and impress the girls the cashier boy, Sammy quits his job.

This essay really confussed me and I didnt really see the point to it. I would like it if someone could help me eunderstand its meaning.

Simone De Beavoir

Simone De Beavoir was a WWII intelectual and philosoper. She was married to another philosopher who viewed her as an intellectual equal.She taught, wrote novels, memoirs and essays. Feminists admire her now and look at her work. She explored womens relationship in relation to men. She believed women are incomprehensible to women and therefore women shape themselves to make them understand them and that makes women subordinate.

I think she makes people sound subordinate. It is as if she thinks shes better than women. Many philosophers did ay she separated herself from women into her own category and I agree. She seems bitter with women like she doesnt like us and thinks we are weak. Maybe we arent all like that she just makes assumptions. I dont like the way she thinks she makes women look stupid.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"One Friday Morning",by Langston Hughes

As I started reading One Friday Morning, I honestly did not expect the ending to be the way it was. It took me by complete surprise. I guess I should have seen the foreshadowing; like when Hughes makes it clear that Nancy Lee was not seen as "colored" and that even she forgot she was sometimes.

I am sure you all read it and know what happeed so I dont need to go into great detail about the story. It basically deals with an exemplary art student, Nancy Lee who wins the scholarship of her dreams. She keeps it a secret from everyone and the only others who know are her art teacher and her vice principal. She fits in very well in her school and is very involved with academics and sports as well as Art of course. When she found out about her award she was asked to prepare a speech. She writes a very inspiring and patritic speech aboout the American dream and how lucky he feels to say the pledge of allegiance every day. She describes how lucky she feels to have such huge opportunities in this country and how grateful she is for the fairness in it. The day of her speech infront of her entire school and mother comes. She is very nervous and excited and glowing from cheek to cheek. Suddenly she is called into the vice princpals office and is given bad news. Unfortnately the Artistic Club took away her scholarship and decided to find someone else to give it to. The reason of this was the fact that she was colored. They didnt believe having a colored student at their school would go smoothly with the others. She was in schock. She had just written a speech about the exact opposite of what these people had done to her. It was ironic, she felt betrayed and confussed. Her vice principal agreed with her in every way. She didnt let her lose her pride. She adviced her to keep fighting for her rights and she would help her too. Nancy Lee was very sad but she was determined to make a difference to help others to not have to go through what she went through

I was deeply touched by the words her vice principal said to her. The last three paragraphs in the text make me want to go out and start a revolution. I am not even sure for what but I could sure find something. It was really inspiring for me to read this. It was beautiful. At first I really thought this was going to be about analyzing some other piture, but it certaintly wasnt.